Campeggio Naturista INSIEME

8. Competition

Europa & Italië

While France, Germany, and the Netherlands dominate the European naturist market with 148, 128, and 59 campsites respectively, Italy is a modest player with only 13 naturist campsites according to (17-2-2024). These figures not only reflect the cultural differences discussed in chapter 6 but also indicate a unique opportunity for Italy to position itself as a leading naturist destination. The true competitive battle lies not so much within the Italian borders but in enhancing Italy's attractiveness as a naturist destination within Europe.

We believe that by strengthening Italy's reputation and expanding the number of quality naturist campsites, we can collectively promote the perception and attractiveness of naturism in Italy. This is where the real opportunity lies – not in surpassing the number of campsites of neighboring countries, but in uniquely positioning Italy as a diverse and enriching naturist paradise on the European stage.

Synergy in Italy

Rather than seeing each other as competitors, we and several owners of the current Italian naturist campsites, such as Ca’ Le Scope, Sasso Corbo, Costa Lunga, and Grotta Miaranda Naturist Resort, have already discussed joining forces. We have heard several times that by adding new and attractive naturist campsites, such as a vibrant campsite on the Tuscan coast, we can strengthen Italy as a whole. This idea is not aimed at competition but at complementing each other and expanding the overall Italian offering.

A concept that has emerged from our discussions with Ca’ Le Scope and Sasso Corbo is the 'Golden Triangle'. This idea entails naturists embarking on a journey through central Italy, visiting all three of our campsites. This concept aligns with the typical behavior of naturists to visit multiple campsites during their vacation. By collaborating, we can offer a unique travel experience that highlights the diversity and richness of the Italian landscape.

Nonetheless, we must be aware of the playing field

We aspire to collaboration and the promotion of naturism throughout Italy, yet it is essential to be mindful of the current playing field and who our colleagues in the market are. This awareness aids us in sharpening the definition of our target audience and the concept we offer. In the table below, we compare the 13 campsites on Blootkompas to determine whether we perceive them as competition.

Location: It's interesting to note that only five campsites are truly centrally located in Italy. Costalunga could be considered the sixth due to its climate and driving distance from the Netherlands. The remaining campsites are located further north with a different climate or farther south, which also implies a different climate and a long travel distance from Northern Europe.

Size: Qua grootte zijn Ca’ Le Scope, Le Betulle en Classe wat groter wat betreft het aantal plaatsen en accommodaties. De meeste andere campings zijn aanzienlijk kleiner, met Pizzo Greco in Calabrië als uitzondering, prominent gelegen in de punt van de Italiaanse laars.

Offer: Looking at the offerings, campgrounds such as Sasso Corbo, Ca’ le Scope, Costalunga, Parco del Gargano, Pizzo Greco, and Villaggio del Sole are somewhat comparable. We have considered services such as a restaurant, bar, pool, entertainment, and other amenities typical of a 'traditional' naturist campground. Although Classe Village is a full-service campground, the naturist section is secluded and lacks amenities. For some services, guests must go to the clothed section.

Conclusion: Our main competitors (colleagues) are therefore Ca Le Scope and Sasso Corbo, which together with us form the 'Golden Triangle' (see above). To a lesser extent, Costalunga and Le Betulle are comparable, but these are located significantly further north.

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